… if you haven’t done these in the last 90 days, now might be the right time…

1) Change, update or move something on your website’s home page

2) Write a blog entry

3) Backup your devices (Hard drive, tablet, mobile phone, etc.)

4) Schedule something every day next week on your Facebook Business Page / Twitter Account

5) Work somewhere you haven’t worked in 30 days or more.

6) Take 30 minutes and walk through how a new customer experiences your business for the first time.

7) Ask someone you trust who isn’t involved in your business to walk through how a new customer experiences your business for the first time, and give feedback.

8) Call a regular client and ask for 3 referrals

9) Change your password(s)

10) Go to 7-11 and get a slurpee.

By Adam McLaughlin